Here is a brief take on my primary research thrusts. If you would like to discuss any of this work, then feel free to contact me.

There is also a list of relevant academic publications at the bottom of every research post, but please refer to my Google Scholar page for a complete list.


My subject of interest is robotics and more specifically, the study of how humans and robots collaborate with one another. I approach this problem using concepts from machine learning, robot control, and extended reality.

By studying these concepts, I aspire to develop robots that are capable of assisting people with their everyday tasks. A good example of this is the robotic wheelchair I worked on during my Ph.D. A robotic wheelchair is basically an electronic wheelchair integrated with sensors and a computer unit for intelligent control.

Me wearing an eye tracker on a robotic wheelchair

At the same time, I investigate the use of extended reality headsets as a means of “explaining” to people why and how robots behave the way they do. This research falls under the category of explainable artificial intelligence, which is a topic of growing significance.

Research Themes

Below are a selection of research themes that I have studied in my academic career. Please click on them to find out more: